viernes, 18 de agosto de 2017

Attitudes towards old people

The aim of this report is to discuss the attitudes young people have towards elder people and the prospect of growing old themselves. Also there are some recommendations for improving these attitudes and make young people realize some things.

Attitudes towards elder people
Young people always had bad attitudes and specially towards older people. They lack of patience which is very important while being with older people, this is because they take their time to do some things or the find it harder to understand the modern world as we know it since they come from another generation.  They need an explanation multiple times to understand and sometimes young people looses their minds trying to explain. That's why people don't like to be with older people, they are not the same as them, in other words they are incompatible.

Prospect of growing old themselves
As I stated before, older and young people are incompatible. Young people can't imagine a life in which they are very limited to do what they like. Many of them see elder people as boring or as people that are excluded from society. Young people want to do what they want, so they see growing as an obstacle.

These attitudes must be changed and improved in order to make elder people comfortable and to reintegrate them into society.
·         Young people should realize that older people need attention by encouraging them to spend time with them
·         Inform about their disabilities and how people can help them

If some attitudes could be changed, older people could be happier and end their final stage properly. 

El termino "evolución" en las publicidades

En biología estuvimos trabajando con el termino "evolución". La profesora nos pidió que busquemos publicidades en las que aparezca este termino y con nuestro conocimiento determinar si esta usado correctamente.

En esta publicidad se dice hay gérmenes que son mas fáciles de combatir, pero hay otros que "evolucionan" y son más difíciles de matar. En realidad los gérmenes no evolucionaron o no se hicieron mas resistentes al jabón, lo que sucedió es que solo sobrevivieron los gérmenes capaces de resistir por lo que al reproducirse sus descendientes tendrían esa misma característica. Por lo tanto cada vez hay mas gérmenes con esa característica que de los que no resisten al jabón. A esto se lo llama "Selección Natural", sobrevive el mas apto.