In the class of Language we were asked to write a story. This story should begin with the sentence "Mark couldn't believe his good luck" and it should contain:
Five Connectors
Three sequence markers
Two examples of direct speech
130 words
Mark couldn't believe his good luck.He finally won the lotery after many tickets that he bought. He was so happy that he went to tell his friend about it. He went to his house, he knocked the door and he said "Tom, Tom! Hurry up I have to tell you something!" Tom rapidly opened the door and said "What happened? Is everything ok?" he shouted desperately, "Yes" he answered, "However I have very good news!","Really? And what is it?" he asked, "I won the lottery!" said Mark, "Congratulations!" said Tom, "What are you going to do with the money? asked Tom."Well, first of all I have to go and ask for it, but then I'm going to buy a new computer, even though I already have one, I want a better computer, similar to John's computer, on the other hand I want some clothes, In particular T-Shirts, notably I always use the same ones" He answered, "Well, I have to go to my mother's house so bye!" said Mark, "Bye Mark, see you later" Mark went to his house so the next day he could go and ask the price.
In the class of Language, with Andrea, we wrote a letter. In this letter we should write about: Whose responsability is it to prevent the crime? Write a letter to the editor explaining your views. Give specific examples of what the police can do to protect themselves and their neighbours.
Start the letter, "Dear editor"
Use the "useful expressions"
Introductory comments = 1 (one)
Agreeing = 3 (three)
Explaining your views = 2 (two)
Claryfing = 2 (two)
Dear editor,
I read your article about crimes and how to avoid them. I am a resident of Adrogue, I fully support the fact that there are more crimes.
For this reason I believe that the police should patrol the streets at all times. That is to say that they should be walking in the streets looking around. They should install cameras in the srteet for more safety.
I fully agree with people that say that we should protect ourselves. Therefore, I will suggest some things for people to protect their homes. People should have railings installed or maybe have a group of neighbours, in other words, neighbours should be in constant communicaiton.
As a conclusion, both, police and citizens should cooperate to make a safe neighbourhood. So, I fully recommend using one of these suggestions. Last but not least, be careful n the streets! Do not use the cellphone and avoid talking with strangers.
With the teacher of language, Andrea, we wrote an Essay about a play called "Oh Romeo! Oh Romeo!" by the students of my shcool. For this Essay we should follow these instructions:
What's your opinion about the play? Why did/didn't you like it?
What did the script writers take into account?
When they wrote the script?
Why do you think it meant a lot of work to put on this play? What aspects do oyu think were taken into account? Why was the play succesful?
In my opinion...
Personally, I believe/guess...
From the artist point of view...
I don't agree with...
I'm against...
15 Connectors
Oh Romeo! Oh Romeo!
The play "Oh Romeo! Oh Romeo!" is created by the students of the Newlands School. They made a collage of some parts of Shackespeare's plays. In my opinion they made a fantastic job due to the way in which they transformed bored plays in a funny and enjoyable play.
Personally I believe that they choose their favourite parts or the most powerfull in the play. However I think they should add parts from other plays.
In addition they made an awsome job in the props. From the artistic point of view, the setting was created very well.
Even though they were losing, finnaly they won. They made a funny and enjoyable play, as a result it was very succesful and original.
Adove all, it takes a lot of time to prepare, especially the costumes, props an setting. Futhermore the actors made a great job. Whereas they see the camera form time to time.
As a conclusion, they made an awesome job, and they deserved to win.
Técnica: Secuencia fotográfica recorriendo el colegio
Van Gogh y sus zapatos
Recordando los 150 años de la muerte de Van Gogh
Me imagino una historia y la represento
Un hombre viejo y trabajador. Vuelve todos los dias de su trabajo en el campo, caminando con sus zapatos gastados y rotos. No quiere arreglaros ni cambiarlos, ya que son muy significativos para él.
Técnica: Fibrones y microfibras aplicados
a distintos valores de grises con grafismos
Los zapatos de Van Gogh viajan a una de sus obras
Técnica: Grafismos con acuarelas
utilizando el movimiento de Van Gogh
Técnica: Stencil y acrílico
Mis zapatos recorrieron...
Recuerdo lugares y paisajes de Argentina
Técnica: Geometrizando con acrílico al estilo de E. Pettoruti, Xul Solar y Paul Klee
Siguiendo con el tema del SIDA o VIH, nuestra profesora nos mostro un afiche sobre el cuidado y la prevención. En afiche titulado "Esta en nuestras manos" debíamos extraer los conceptos mas importantes y luego hacer una "nube" de palabras. También teniamos que explicar con nuestras palabras lo que significaba el título.
En mi opinion, el titulo "Esta en nuestras manos" significa que cada uno debe cuidarse a si mismo. Es decir que debemos hacernos análisis para saber si somos portadores del VIH. Pero también debemos cuidarnos y prevenir, como por ejemplo usando preservativo.
En la clase de Biología empezamos con el tema del SIDA o VIH. Vimos un video llamado "Lleguemos a Cero ONUSIDA". La profesora nos hizo una serie de preguntas las cuales debíamos responder:´
¿Qué es ONUSIDA? ¿Cuáles son los objetivos que proponen?
¿A qué refiere el titulo de esta entrada?
1. Es el Programa Conjunto de las Naciones Unidas sobre el
VIH/SIDA. Se estableció en enero de 1996 para dar respuesta al VIH y afrontar
la pandemia a nivel mundial. Su misión es
promover la aplicación de un enfoque estratégico, coordinado
y articulado para brindar una respuesta ampliada y eficaz contra la epidemia
del VIH/SIDA en Costa Rica y contribuir a una disminución de su impacto social
y económico. El grupo tiene el reto de contribuir a reforzar la capacidad del
país para hacerle frente a la epidemia. Deberá responder a dos mandatos del
Sus objetivos:
Asesorar al Grupo Técnico del SNU y a los Representantes Residentes en materia de VIH/SIDA.
Fortalecer la actuación de CONASIDA en la promoción de políticas y acciones prioritarias para la reducción de la incidencia de la epidemia.
Apoyar a CONASIDA para la puesta en práctica del Plan Estratégico Nacional (PEN) y en particular, para el desarrollo y reforzamiento de programas de prevención del VIH/SIDA y de promoción de la salud integral con un enfoque estratégico consensuado por los miembros del SNU representados en el Grupo Técnico Conjunto.