domingo, 25 de junio de 2017

Improving workplace communication: a proposal

The principal aim of this report is to improve workplace communication. That is why firstly everyone should know which are the problems and recommendations in order to solve it.
Current situation
By my own experience and working in the office I came up with the conclusion that the main reason of the lack of communication is the bad work atmosphere there is. People are forced to work from the morning to the night almost without resting. This makes that people get tired and as a consequence everyone is on a bad mood. People do not want to talk to each other and try to ignore everything. So from my point of view, this is a problem we should fix.
The best way to help is by making workers feel comfortable and improve their atmosphere, so here are my recommendations:
·         Implement little breaks during the day in which people can rest their minds and think in other things.
·         Build a room with the only purpose to entertain, add some board games, video games or even pool tables.
·         Make meetings last less or divide them among the day or in different days.

If people feel comfortable, their mood will be better as well as productivity and communication. They need to know that we care about them.

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