martes, 28 de octubre de 2014

News Report

In the class of EM/History Writting we started with a new topic, "News reports". We saw how to write it (tense, orgaanization, etc). Then we were asked to write a news report. We had two options, inventing a news or using an existing news. I decided to inevnt it, so here it is:

Fire burns forest

A forest in Córdoba has been burned. Ten kilometers have burned and that has caused damages on animals and in a house that was in that area. This happened yesterday morning.

Although the damage was serious, fortunately, nobody was inside the house, but many animals died. There is evidence that the fire started in the house. The owner said that he had left a chicken in the oven. The fire started growing and burned the forest in less than ten minutes.

Many trees burned down and many years have to go by so that the trees can grow again. The owner of the house regrets having done what he did because he was the one that burned down the forest. The owner is going to cooperate so that the trees can grow again.

Some people are disappointed because they don't understand how people can be so irresponsible. However, some other people say that the house owner is very lucky because he was not there.

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