martes, 26 de agosto de 2014

Monologue Drama

For the class of Drama we had to create a character, give him physical appearance, tone of voice, etc. Also this character has to suffer a "Metamorphosis". In my case my character transforms into a rat. In this video I give my character a visual image of him. We wrote a monologue and then we act it out.  

martes, 19 de agosto de 2014

La Edad Media | TP

Para la clase de historia tuvimos que hacer una parte de un trabajo práctico para el cual teníamos que pensar en un lugar en el que podía ubicarse un Señor Feudal. Nosotros elegimos Carcassonne, Francia. También tuvimos que hacer un plano de un castillo en el cual se ubicaría el Señor Feudal. Luego buscamos en Internet que significaba “heráldica” y encontramos que era como el escudo del señorío.

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El símbolo de los caballeros es representado por las maravillosas espadas, y el color verde que tiene detrás representa la muerte y que los caballeros no le temen ni a la muerte. Como en la parte inferior del escudo se encuentras 2 palabras en latín, “Clarificatus Speraret”  esto es una frase muy valiosa para los caballeros de nuestro feudo. Estas 2 palabras significan “La gloria no se encuentra, se consigue”. El blanco que tiene en el escudo en la parte de afuera significa el color de los sacerdotes y también el color de la luz. El mango de las espadas son de color rojo ya que representan la sangre y las espadas de amarillo que representan la envidia que todos no tienen de nosotros.

viernes, 15 de agosto de 2014

Diary Entry

In the class of Language throught Literature Writing we were asked to write two diary entries. They should be about the story "Dr. Jekyll and Mr Hyde" by Robert Lois Stevenson. Also they have to be about the part in which Dr. Jekyll created the potion.

27th January 1836,

                             Dear Diary,
Well now I'm making a medicine. I put some ingredients to a test tube. Now I'm going to taste it. I don't know which effects this can give me.

Well the flavor is horrible, I can feel the medicine running in my body. It is very dense and the colour is red. I hope this can help for any disease, I have a strange feeling in my body. This is hurting me or something like that. It hurts. It feels like something is changing. I don't know if it is my body that is transforming or my mind that makes me feel that I'm transforming.

This is horrible, the shape of my head is changing, my hair is growing very fast, my head is bigger, I don't know what is happening to me! My feet are smaller also my head and my hands. I'm smaller than before. I have aggressive feelings, as I want to kill someone. I don't know if I can continue writing. Tomorrow I'll see what heppens.

Dr. Henry Jekyll


28th January 1836,
                             Dear Diary,
Yersterday I don't know what happened, I think that medicine made me transform into a monster, I woke up with blood in my fingers! I'm scared. Maybe I invented a potion or something like that.

I don't know if I killed someone or if I only hurt someone, I don't know... Maybe I hurt my self, but the thing is that I hurt someone. That "potion" makes me agressive and made me transform into a monster. I don't remeber wha happened that night. In this moment some part of my body tells me to drink that "potion" again and the other tells me "Don't touch that potion again". If I drink that "potion" maybe I'll kill someone and I don't want that. If I drink the potion many things can happen but I want to drink it! Maybe I will.

Well I'm going to drink it again, I hope nothing happens. I want to know what I do when I'm  a monster! Then I'm going to write what happens.

Dr. Henry Jekyll