miércoles, 31 de mayo de 2017

La información genética y su aporte en el estudio de la Evolución

Para estudiar la evolución de las especies, en la clase de Biología, vimos como es que el ADN aporta evidencia de la evolución. Para eso leimos en nuestro libro y miramos un video para entender mas del tema. Despues teniamos que hacer un texto que relacione las palabras:
  • Gen 
  • ADN 
  • Población 
  • Proteína 
  • Evolución

Los humanos tenemos 46 cromosomas en cada célula de nuestro cuerpo, y estos cromosomas están formados por una única molécula de ADN, que a su vez contiene la información genética de cada individuo. Las moléculas de ADN indican a la célula como debe funcionar, o tiene como función fabricar proteínas que tendrán una determinada característica. Es decir que, por ejemplo, dependiendo de que proteínas formen nuestro pelo, tendrá un color o otro. Ya que cada individuo tiene su información genética, podemos observar las secuencia de ADN de una población, poza génica, para determinar cuales son los cambios que se producen a lo largo del tiempo. Por ejemplo, si cambian su color de piel/pelo por una necesidad. Las diferentes variantes para una información genética es denominado alelo. Si los alelos de un gen son iguales, son homocigotas, mientras que si son distintas son heterocigotas. 

No solo eso nos puede servir como evidencia para la evolución, también podemos observar las similitudes que tiene el material genético de una especie con otra. Con eso podríamos ver que, si tienen muchas similitudes, tienen un ancestro en común que tenían esas características y que luego esa especie evoluciono y se "transformo" en distintas especies.

jueves, 25 de mayo de 2017

La misión definitiva

En la clase de literatura, luego de leer varias historias en las que aparecían viajes espaciales, la profesora nos dio una consigna para escribir una historia con esa misma característica. La historia tenía que contener un viaje al espacio.
También habíamos estado trabajando con un artículo que hablaba sobre algunas reglas para introducir a un personaje y como seria la manera de hacerlo. Además trabajamos con los tipos de focalización, y había que incluir lo aprendido en nuestra historia.

El proceso de escritura de esta historia fue bastante interesante. Ya que era un trabajo en parejas había que buscar una idea que nos gustase a los dos. Después de un tiempo pensando y tirando ideas, llegamos a la conclusión de hacer esta historia. Fuimos incluyendo cosas que nos gustaban a cada uno.
Elegir el nombre de los personajes fue también de lo más complicado, como también fue complicado como terminaría la historia. Teníamos varias resoluciones, con finales completamente distintos cada uno.
Mientras avanzábamos con la escritura, nos dábamos cuenta que había que cambiar cosas, como los personajes o algunos detalles que considerábamos necesarios o innecesarios.

Con respecto a la consigna, pudimos usar el artículo leído sobre como presentar al personaje, mostramos a los personajes actuando, hablando, describimos su vestimenta y añadimos algunos detalles. La focalización es  externa y fija. La modalidad espacial es panorámica, ya que se relatan los mismos momentos pero desde otros lugares, la temporal es sincrónico porque no hay saltos en el tiempo y el narrador sabe lo mismo que los personajes.

lunes, 22 de mayo de 2017

Tips for studying

Dear Agus,

I have received your email, thanks for counting on me. During all these years I have learned some tips for studying in the most efficient way. Here I leave you some of them.
First of all, I recommend you make a summary of all the topics. Underline important events, dates and even names of important people (such as writers, presidents, etc). This will help you to have everything organized. Maybe this will be very difficult at first, but with practice you will do it without even noticing.
When you have that done, continue with this tip. Start doing a mind map to read it easier. However if you feel that you aren’t made for that, you can create cards of important facts and then study each individual card. I strongly recommend that to organize your mind.
Finally I will tell you my most useful tip, in my opinion. At the moment of remembering what you’ve studied, try to explain, try to explain it to someone. The way in which it is to useful is because you simplify the ideas and your mind processes the information. Also, if you don’t have someone to explain it to, talk in front of a mirror.
I hope this email is useful to you and that you use these tips that helped me a lot on my exams.

Good Luck, Fede

How important were credit and hire purchase as reasons for economic growth in the USA in the 1920s?

There is no doubt that during the 1920s the USA was having a very big economic growth. There are many reasons to explain why this happened, but this essay will explore how far were credits and hire purchases important for the economy of the USA.

To start with, the difference between credits and hire purchases is very simple. People could borrow money from banks to make goods more accessible. They were able to take credits which were going to pay back later. On the other hand, hire purchases were a way of paying. People paid a fraction of the total price each month.

One of the most important things during the 1920s was the car industry. People could buy very easily a car because of hire purchases. Unlike Europe, cars were very common in the US society. Cars made it possible for people to move into the suburbs making cities to grow.

During the 1920s, shares were a very easy way of becoming rich. People bought shares, waited until their price rise and then sell them again. Usually they borrowed money which then they paid back with the profits. American banks lent $9 billion for speculating in 1929.

On the other hand we have the reasons that also helped in the economical growth in the 1920s. The Republican Party had some beliefs and policies that helped in the process. The government placed import tariffs to protect the USA industries from foreign competition, consequently the home market grew up. Furthermore, they thought that if people kept their money, they would buy goods instead of saving it, so they kept taxes very low.

Another way of making people buy, was by using advertisements. They encouraged people to buy even if they did not have the money they could borrow it. Moreover, industries had more methods to make goods cheaper, such as production lines. They used this method to speed up the production and make products more accessible.

As regards the US industry, we can say that it grew up after the First World War. Since the war did not drain the resources as it did with Europe, they bought to American companies, such as the chemical industries that outstripped Germany in the supply of it.

As a conclusion we can say that the US economy grew up because of all these reasons, among them credits and hire purchases, which were very helpful for poorer families. Although it was not the most important.

How important were Republican reactions to the Wall Street Crash as causes of Roosevelt's success in the presidential election of 1932?

In 1932, the presidential elections in the USA were taking place. Hoover and Roosevelt were the two main candidates, Hoover representing the Republican Party and Roosevelt the Democratic Party. The winner of the elections was Roosevelt. However, what are the causes of his success?

To start with, the Republican Party had their own policies which had a big consequence in the future. First, they believed that the government shouldn't interfere in the life of people, this was called 'laissez-faire'. Secondly, Republicans placed import tariffs to protect their industries from foreign competition and allowing American industries to grow. Finally they kept taxation low, since they thought that if people kept their money, they would buy American goods. In 1932, Hoover paid the price for being unable t solve the problems of the depression. In 1930 and 1931, he tried to restart the economy by tax cuts, he stopped some banks on going bankrupt and he tried to protect the US industries by introducing tariffs, however this made things worse. By this point, the reputation of Hoover was very damaged. Republicans did not interfere much on the economic prices by saying that it was not a major problem.

On the other hand we have Roosevelt, he believed in an 'active government', he planned to put people back to work, among other characteristics that he had. The campaign was a very important factor for the success in the elections. He made a tour through the USA weeks before the elections, he realized that people wanted action and he promised a 'New Deal'. Finally Roosevelt won by 7 million vote and democrats won a majority of seats in Congress.

To conclude, we can say that the main reason of Roosevelt's success in the 1932's presidential elections was that his main opponent, Hoover, had a very damaged reputation because of the lack of the Wall Street Crash in 1929, the lack of confidence he had and that Americans wanted a change.